Category: Uncategorized

  • Domestic violence series: Interview with an abuser

    (Originally published Dec. 3, 2009 in the Pioneer. This story was part of a series that won third place in the Michigan Press Association’s Enterprise Reporting contest in 2010. It was a finalist for the MPA’s public service award as well.) A local man, convicted of domestic violence, talks about trying to change his life…

  • The end of an affair.

    (Originally published on Oct. 31, 2010, at Dear Michigan, I wanted to be true to you. I really did. When everyone took off after college – to DC, to San Francisco, to Chicago, to New York and Alabama and Oregon and Minnesota and even Kansas, I stayed with you. More accurately, I burrowed deeper into…

  • Exit interview

    (Originally published in the February 2010 issue of Fusion) By Lindsey Wahowiak Fusion Editor The last eight years have been tumultuous ones in Michigan, and perhaps no one knows that better than Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Since her election in 2002, Granholm has been forced to acknowledge the state’s annual billion-dollar deficits, nationally increased focus on…

  • Good kid gone bad

    (Originally published on Nov. 25, 2009 in the Pioneer. This story was part of a series that won first place in the Michigan Press Association’s Enterprise Reporting contest in 2010.) Jonathan Good was a typical child growing up in suburban Detroit. This is the story of how he became a murderer — and how he…

  • ‘Death waiting to happen’

    (Originally published June 6, 2008 in the Pioneer) By Lindsey Wahowiak Pioneer Staff Writer REED CITY — Tina LaGrow will spend 10 months in jail for causing her friend’s death in a drunken driving crash. LaGrow, 34, of LeRoy, was sentenced Thursday in Osceola County’s 49th Circuit Court for causing the Oct. 28 crash that…

  • He’s no average Joe

    (This story was originally published on Nov. 15, 2008 in the Pioneer) D.A.R.E. and liaison officer Joe Marshall is head of the class By Lindsey Wahowiak Pioneer Staff Writer MORLEY — Deputy Joe Marshall will never forget it: He was called to a domestic assault one winter night. A man had spent the last of…

  • Hello world!

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